June 2, 2018
Let the Games begin!
Get out your best kilt and be sure to attend the hurling competitions at the Annual Glasgow Highland Games.
The four days of Scottish family entertainment are held each year on the weekend following Memorial Day at Barren River Lake State Resort Park. The event is open to everyone, whatever your nationality or ethnic origin.
The festival began in 1986 to celebrate the Celtic roots of Glasgow, which is the city in Scotland for which the Barren County community is named. Nearly 20,000 people from the United States, Canada and Great Britain attend the annual south-central Kentucky celebration.
Activities include Scottish dances, bagpipe performances and theatrical productions, as well as athletic competitions such as hurling, stone lifting and caber tossing.
Located at Barren River Lake
Saturday, June 2 - 7:30am-4:30pm
Website: www.glasgowhighlandgames.com